Reed Tetras are a peaceful species that shoal naturally in the wild. Therefore, they are happier, more vibrantly coloured, and more active when kept as a group of 8 or more individuals instead of singly.
Reed Tetras tend to be timid and should not be kept with large or aggressive fish who may bully or eat them because of their small size. Therefore, ideal tankmates for these Tetras would include other small and peaceful species such as small Tetras, Pencilfish, Dwarf Cichlids like Apistogramma or Mikrogeophagus, smaller Suckermouth Catfish and Corydoras Catfish.
The ideal aquarium for Reed Tetras should be furnished with plenty of driftwood to create plenty of shady areas. The driftwood will gradually release tannins into the water that will help acidify the water whilst giving it a natural, brown colour like their natural habitat. Adding peat filtration can also help in this respect. You should also add dense planting, both floating and rooted, which will help to make the fish feel secure. In addition, the lighting should not be too bright, and darker substrate and background choices will help show off these fish's stunning colours.
Care Level: Easy
Diet: Omnivore
Max Size: 2.5cm
Family: Characidae
Tank Size: 38L
Temperature: 19-26c
pH: 5.5-7.5
*Product Photo is for reference only. Exact fish may vary in size and colour