Needle leaf ludwigia is a beautiful plant with delicate green and red leaves. This is an easy plant to keep that adds movement and dimension to the aquarium. Needle leaf plants have thin, pointed leaves that grow in opposite pairs along the whole length of the stem. The leaves can be green or red depending on the amount of iron available in the water. If pruned frequently, this plant will branch out and provide a bushy filler for the mid- or background of your tank.
Needle leaf is a versatile plant, but to get the desirable bright red color, you must provide high lighting and nutrient levels. High iron content will bring out more red tones in the plant. CO2 injection is not required for the cultivation of this plant, but can help it grow more robustly. The plant can be grown submersed or emersed.
When grown emersed, the leaves tend to be round like other types of Ludwigia and remain green. When grown under high light and submerged in an aquarium, the leaves turn thin and orange to red depending on nutrients. Dosing UNS Plant and iron supplements will bring out the deep red coloration.
*Plants may arrive looking slightly different to pictured as some are grown emersed. Rest assured, after a short time in the aquarium the plant converts to its underwater form.