The Basking Infrared range of heat lamps have a flood style beam that will allow for intense heat provision. This is essential for desert basking species and for those species in taller enclosures.
Ideal for flood type heating with low visible light levels. Arcadia Infrared lamps are made from quality red glass and offers a wide beam of light and heat.
An E27 screw fit true infrared heat lamp that is safe to use with all thermostatic control systems.
- Ideal for heating a vivarium during the day and evening
- Can be used with the SBF and SBS intensive heat spots
- A great source of heat for Ectothermic species
- Can be used with a thermostatic control system
- Low visible light, high heat
- Emits no UV-B or UV-A, just Infrared
Safety: Care should be taken with all heat sources. A caged lamp holder should be used to protect the animals and keeper alike from the risk of burns. Thermostatic controllers should be used to regulate the required temperatures and should viewed as essential.
These lamps should be placed so that they are facing directly downwards, this will help to increase the life expectancy of the lamp.